We've given the left side bar menu a fresh coat of paint!
Here's what we've changed to make using Pallyy just that little bit easier:
Most popular pages visible at the top, always
The calendar, media library and social sets page are the most visited pages in Pallyy so we've stuck them to the top where they will stay, forever more.
Sections will stay open/closed on refresh
Each time you open or close a section of links, it will stay like that even after you refresh the page.
This means that for example if you use the social inbox a lot, you can simply open it up and have those links always visible.
Better UI
Small, but makes a big difference. We've increased the font size for main links and set a better visual hierarchy to make it easier to read.
We've also put more emphasis on the social set menu so it stands out, as it's a very important feature.
As always, if you have any feedback, we would love to hear it!