Social Inbox
We're ready to start giving out BETA access to our new social inbox. You can manage & reply to all of your comments, DM's, mentions, reviews from all social platforms.
Here's just a handful of things you can do with the social inbox:
  • Reply to all messages, comments, mentions.
  • Like, hide, retweet comments where possible
  • Mark threads as read/resolved
  • Add labels & team members
  • Create automations for incoming messages (add labels, members etc)
  • View a users past comments, messages
If you would like BETA access, just send us a message via the live chat or email and we'll enable it for you.
UI Improvements
We've made some small but important changes to our dashboard. You'll notice the navigation is now a lighter color that blends in more with the background, while the working area is white making it easier to focus on.